Thursday, January 21, 2016

Youth & Infrastructure Development: Which one is more important?

Some say it is a resource curse in resource rich countries such as those in the Middle East and partly Africa. They were supposed to be prosperous, peaceful, and that people will live in harmony. However, plentiful of resource becomes a nightmare for some countries. The question is “Is it bad or lucky to have bigger amount of resource such as oil?” To some countries, it is because of resource rich that can help them grow faster and become more stable nation, but for many Arab states and African, it is resource that push them down to the ground and resulting a chaotic society. What motivates fighting in a resource rich countries? Is it because of unreliable and corrupted policy or is it because of economic motivation so that people and states have to fight for in order to build their stronger security?

In Nigeria, particularly Niger Delta, is a resource rich region. Over 90 percent of national GDP comes from this region, specifically through oil production. However, people in this region did not benefit at all from this growth; rather the central government and their class greatly earn big profit from which creates high tension among Niger Delta people. Because of poor and unexpectedly highly deprivation, most people including youth become rebellions and act in many ways against the central government and companies. They made a mess in the whole region right now due to a miserable, undisciplined, decrepit and corrupt form of ‘petro-capitalism. While the state and oil companies have continued to profit enormously from oil production, the rural population from where oil is produced has benefited the least from its wealth. Environmental pollution, resulting in brackish swamp forests and rivers, depletion of agricultural resources on land and the death and extinction of aquamarine resources, gas flares,  and acid rain, impacting negatively on the health and physical lives of the region’s inhabitants, have dislocated local communities, culminating in the impover­ishment of the populace and insecurity of the environment from which they gain their livelihoods.

A generation of youth, who do not only feel embittered but have become militant in their approach to seeking justice against the state’s military approach. This action has created lots of unsmooth flow of energy production and transportation which after all shakes the international market. So, to a bigger extent, this youth militancy has destabilized the energy security in entire Nigeria nation and worldwide. However, the question is does it have any connection between youth militancy and energy security? Personally, it has nothing to do with energy security at all. This youth action does not target to destabilize the energy supply since they also need energy for daily using but they made a mess in order to claim for compensation and the great loss that they are supposed to benefit from. Insecurity and instability in Nigeria and probably the smooth flow of oil transportation has something to do with great deprivation, corrupted government, higher rates of unemployment, unequal distribution of economic opportunity and perhaps massive discrimination in the Niger Delta. Energy interest is just one of motivations for youth to rebel but equal treatment, fair opportunity and equitable distribution of economic is.

Not only in Nigeria, in fact, Africa but all over the world must take care of youth since they are so powerful and not yet matured. They are the back bone of the society. They may lead a community to become stronger and more growth but they also could lead to destruction where there is unfair or harsh discrimination. It’s only oil that drives youth to become rebellion but mismanagement of national policy from whatever angle. Therefore, I see no connection between youth and energy security. Rather the inability of the government and oil companies to readdress problems culminated in the graduation of community youth from mere engagements of sporadic protests at the community level to more popular engagements worsened by the formation and activities of militant groups that profess the interests of the poor oil-producing communities.

Energy is a source of prosperity if it is well and properly used but a massive destruction if the opposite comes to play. Hence, it is not about energy security that needs to be taken care of but appropriate discussion on how to development at local people rather helpful. Below are some possible solutions government, stakeholders and citizens to altogether do are:
-          They should find ways to recreate uniting high culture but this requires political will
-          Government needs to take practical and holistic measures to diversify the economy
-          Lessen political and economic inequity
-          Up-lifting discrimination among people
-          Creating an atmosphere of fair economic opportunity
-          Feasible control of environmental pollution
-          Providing development such as infrastructure, public service, school and hospital etc. at local
-          Increasing rule of law in entire nation
-          Promoting good governance etc.

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