Summary of the Movie:
Sva Mei Bam Nul, Thai Drama speaks Khmer, is showing the reality of people's lives in the City of Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand. Living a good life in the big city like Bangkok is very hard especially for the rich people who suddenly become poor.
Like in this movie, it illustrates the fictional life but quite true to reality of one rich, royal family who turns to be poor and receive heavy debts.
Plot of the movie:
At the first scence of the movie, Princess Ei a beautiful in one royal family comes to work in one big Hotel as a designer. She is graduating from abroad with designing skill and professional decoration. She is a serious person. She looks at the job as her professonal career in life. Even though she got educated from abroad and dominated by Western civilization, she remains the same. She wanted to promote her culture.
While taking the lift to the hotel, she met a gentle man along the way. They two did not get a long with each other since very beginning. In the lift, these two person got stucked for few minutes and the girl got scared. This time they got into another argument and that they started to know each other.
Although the Princess did like that man, his name is Mr. Lab, Mr. Lab falled in love with her already. He tried to find a way to get her. He has a good friend of him and he asked everything Ms. Ei. His friend told him that Ms. Ei has a boyfriend already and that boyfriend is very mean to her. That boyfriend is very protectionistic person. He can never let other guys to closer to Ms. Lab with less than a metre distance.
Ms. Ei's family, in fact, got big trouble with financial problem. Duirng her father alive, her father took some big amount of money from his relatives to do business. But Ei's father did not progress that business due to his illness. That's why it becomes her responsibility to return the debt back. However, Ms. Ei can't get such big money like that. The creditors threatened to take her house if she can't return money on time.
Ms. Ei did not know what to do in order to get such big amount of money. At the end, she got a suggestion from the man she met at the hotel in lift. Mr. Lab who falls in love with her offers her a suggestion. If she gets marrited to him, he will responsible for the whole debt. He will give all money to the creditor. Ms. Ei can't reject that proposal since she has nothing to do in such immediate time to get millions of dollar. She accepted the offers.
However, Ms. Ei did not have good feeling with Mr. Lab at all. She did not want to get married. She just did it because she does not have other choices. On the other hand, Mr. Lab loves Ms. Ei from his heart. He wants to give her a warm family and protect her from any problems.
For the first few months, this couple can't get along with each other. Yet, Ms. Ei started to understand much about Mr. Lab's feeling. She began to him from that time on. The life of this couple went sometimes up and other down due to their fluctuation of thinking. This is really true life story. We can't escape from this at all. Sometimes we got a chance of happiness and other times we encounter problems to be solved. That is why some people say life is like the cycle between happiness and sadness, between good and bad, between joyfulness and upsetness etc.
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